Sunday, March 23, 2025

June Michael – Part Two – From the Book of Sinksar: June 19, 2017

At that time, the glorious angel Michael erased that death message. Instead, he wrote in its place, changing it into a letter, saying: "When this letter reaches the person named Bahran who brought this letter and is read, marry my daughter Eghel. I have made him my heir and my property, my male and female slaves, and all my property, inside and outside, and I have given him authority to do whatever he wants. Do not wait for me. I am very late, my master! Here is this sign between me and you.» After this, Ashgo gave it to Bahran and said, «Go to the rich man’s house and give this letter to his master. And do not tell him that I met you on the street. I have changed this death letter for you so that he will not kill you.» Bahran said, «Okay, my master, I will do everything you command me.»

When Bahran arrived at the rich man's house, he gave the letter to his servant. When he read it, he found the sign between them. He understood and knew that it was true. After that, he prepared a wedding for Bahran and married the rich man's daughter with a crown according to church rites. They lived in joy and happiness for about forty days. After this, when the rich man was returning from his journey, he heard the joyful sound of the harp and the flute, and he asked, “What is this that I hear?” They said, “Your daughter Eghel is married to a young man named Bahran who brought your letter. Behold, he has been in marriage for forty days. All your money and possessions, both male and female, have been given to him by your servants, as you commanded.” When he heard this, he was shocked and fell from his horse and died suddenly.

And Bahran became a man of good works. He understood that it was the glorious Archangel Michael who had appeared to him and saved him from death; and that it was he who had inherited all the wealth of the rich man who had wanted to kill him. And he began to commemorate this glorious Archangel Michael every month. He also built a church for him. He carved a picture of Saint Michael and placed it in the church. And many wonderful miracles were performed by him. Bahran was ordained a priest and lived in that church until his death, serving as a nun. In this tomb, through the intercession of the archangel Michael, he inherited eternal life from his mother and father. 

On the day of the Holy of Holies, this noble angel Michael entered from within the inner veil and prayed before the Lord of Glory, saying: “For your covenant is true, that you may forgive those who commemorate me on earth; O my Creator! I, your servant and messenger, beg of your goodness. For you are merciful and forgiving.” Our Lord, the owner of glory, answers him thus: “O Michael, the chief of the heavenly angels of the spirits! Behold, I command you to bear up three times on your wings from Sheol, as you are able to bear all who commemorate you.” And when he heard these words, he was overjoyed, and carried them on his wings through the sea of ​​fire, and they were numbered by none but the Lord alone.

Therefore, we must strive to make this great and glorious Archangel Michael the Archangel of the feast a memorial. That he may save us from the snare of Satan, and protect us in all our days; that he may forgive our sins, and remove our afflictions, and bless the fruits of our land; And we pray before God for us that He may help us to do His will; that He may grant repose to the souls of those who have died among us; that He may bring our fathers and brothers who have gone on the road back to their homes in peace and health; that He may make love among us; that He may confirm us in the true faith until the last moment; that He may preserve our nobles who are the people of Christ and establish them on their thrones; and that He may bring back to the true faith those who have gone astray.

Again, on this day, the God-fearing Astranikos commemorated the repose of his wife, Saint Apomia. This man celebrated three feasts every month. Here is the memory of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ on the twenty-ninth of each month; the memory of the feast of the Holy Virgin Mary on the twenty-first of each month; The feast of Saint Michael, the glorious archangel, is commemorated on the twelfth day of each month. When the time of his death approached, he ordered his wife, Saint Aphomia, not to neglect the alms he had been doing, but rather the three feasts.

She begged her husband to make her a statue of the glorious Archangel Michael. He made it for her, and she placed it in her house with honor. After her husband died, she began to do what he had commanded. But Satan envied her. He spoke to her in the guise of a widowed woman. He said to her, "I pity you; I have compassion on you. I advise you to marry and have children before your money runs out and your youth is over. Your husband will inherit the kingdom of heaven. He does not ask for alms.» Afomiya replied, «I have made a covenant before God that I will not have intercourse with another man. Even doves and sparrows do not know another husband. How can this happen to people created in the image of God?»

When she did not listen to his advice, he changed his image and shouted at her. He said to her, «I will come another time.» She chased him away, carrying a picture of the glorious angel Michael. Then, on the twelfth of June, the feast of the Archangel Michael, she was preparing for the feast when a bright angel appeared to her. “O Aphomia! Peace be with you! I am Michael the Archangel. The Lord has sent me to you, and he has commanded you to leave this marriage and become the wife of a believer.” A woman without a husband is like a ship without an anchor; He began to bring her verses from the Old Testament, telling her that Abraham, Jacob, and David had married many women like them, and that they had pleased God.

Saint Apomia replied, “If you are an angel of God, where is the sign of the cross with you? For no king’s army goes anywhere without the king’s seal.” When the devil heard this, he changed his appearance and woke up. She called out to the glorious angel, Michael. And he immediately came and saved her. And Satan took hold of him and began to torment him. And the devil cried out. “Have mercy on me; do not destroy me before my time; for God is patient with us until the end of the world,” he begged. Then he left him and drove him away.

And the glorious angel Michael said to her: “O blessed Apomia! Go and prepare your house. Today you are leaving this world in death. And behold, God has prepared for you things that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived.” Having said this, he greeted her and ascended to heaven. After he had prepared the feast, he took her and sent her to the bishop and the priests, and entrusted her with the money that they would give to the poor and to Paul's servants in due time. She stood up and prayed, and she took the image of the Archangel Michael, embraced him and kissed him. At that time she rested in peace.

Thanks be to God. May he protect us through her prayers. May the power of this glorious Archangel Michael protect all of us Christians. Amen forever and ever.

Source: – Book of Sinksar, June 19.

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