Sunday, May 12, 2024


On your earth, the garden of life,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On soil, that it may be fruitful in all seasons,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On rocks and minerals that form the foundations for life,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On volcanoes and lava flows that reveal the power of earth’s core,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On hills and great mountains; on cliffs, caves, and valleys,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On deserts and their hardy creatures,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On your waters, which sustain a diverse community of life,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On coral reefs, and on the animals, plants, and fish that inhabit them,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On ocean deeps, teeming with life; on the open seas and all that travel upon them,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On rivers, bringing water to thirsty places,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On lakes and streams, home to a diversity of life,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On ponds and marshes, cradles of life,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On wetlands and estuaries; on rocky coasts and beaches,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On islands and atolls, oases and all harsh outposts of life,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On glaciers and ice fields, holding the delicate balance of waters,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On storms, floods, and tempests, and all fearsome forces of weather,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On rains that water the earth, causing plants to sprout and grow,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On snow and hail, sleet and winter cold, and on the dormant things that wait for spring,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On mists and fog silently watering the ground,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On the atmosphere of your planet earth, that it may sustain all that breathes,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On winds that carry seeds and spores; on breezes that warm and cool the earth,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On lightnings and fires that cleanse and destroy, and on all that lies in their path,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On all the ecosystems of your earth and their intricate communities,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On forests of many kinds; on trees and shrubs and vines,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On grasslands, tundras, and plains, and on their varied plants,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy. 
On ferns and fungi; on spore-bearing and seed-bearing plants,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On micro-organisms of endless variety, the complex and the simple,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy. 
On reptiles and amphibians,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On four-legged creatures,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On two-legged and winged creatures,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On many-legged creatures and insects,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On mysterious creatures and places unknown to humankind,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy.
On the human family across the globe, of many colors and communities, in kinship with all creation,
     Creator Jesus Christ, have mercy. Amen. 

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   But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. - Matthew 24:13 --- UN AUTRE VERSET BIBLIQUE DU JOUR : Matthieu 24 : 13    Mais cel...